English The Easy Way
Everybody Can Learn English
English Dialogue Waiting For The Bus
A: Excuse me. Do you know which bus goes to the city center?
B: Yes, You need to take the 66 bus.
A: Thank you, do you know when the 66 bus comes?
B: I hope soon. I have been waiting for the 66 bus for 45 minutes already.
A: Really, does it always take so long for the bus to come?
B: No, The bus usually comes every 30 minutes, but I have no idea what happened today.
A: No problem, do you take the bus everyday?
B: Yes, I take the bus everyday. I do not have a car.
A: I hope the bus comes soon, I do not want to be late for work.
B: Yes, me too. I am already late for work.
A: The bus takes so long.
B: Here comes the bus.
A: Ah good.
B: Thanks.. Have a good day.
A: You too!!.
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