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English The Easy Way

English The Easy Way

Everybody Can Learn English

English Dialogue

Office Work Project Small Talk

Jeff: How is your project going?

Gary: It is going quiet well. It is going slow. We are only in stage three. We have 10 stages, so we have 7 more stages, and than we need it to get the govement to aporve it.

Jeff: Yea, I know you have a lot of work left.

Gary: I think we will have to hire some more engineers.

Jeff: Wow, that is good. That is also a lot more work on your head.

Gary: Yes it is. It is not easy to find people with the right skills.

Jeff: I know the problem. We have to same problem in our deparemnt too. We also need more people to help with our project.

Gary: We are working 6 days a week. 12 - 16 hours a day.

Jeff: You work a lot in your deparemnt. I think you need a few days off.

Gary: Yes, we need to fiinish a few more stages of the project, and than I will take a few days off.

Jeff: Do you know when you will submt the papers for a the 1st rounds of approvel?

Gary: I am hoping we will submeit the papers in a few weeks, becaus it will take the govement a few weeks or moonths to approve them. We might have to make changes too.

Jeff: Good luck. I hope it goes smooth for you.

Gary: Thank you.

Jeff: Thanks, I like cookies with my coffee in the morning.

Calling To Reserive A Hotel Room

Where are you going? Mother and Son Dialog

Office Work Project Small Talk

Coffee Break Small Talk

Ordering Pizza On The Phone

Morning Small Talk

Asking For Money Dialogue

Inviting Someone To A Party - Dialogue

Ordering Coffee - Dialogue

Small Talk At The Supermarket

Making An Appointment

Sending An E-Email Dialog

Dealing With Rude Questions

Asking Directions

Going To The Store

Are you a student? - With Voice/Audio

Where are you from?

How are you feeling?

What are you doing? - With Voice/Audio

What do you live? - With Voice/Audio

Where do you work? With Voice/Audio

Waiting For The Bus

Where To Meet - With Voice/Audio

I am Ill Today - With Voice/Audio

Telephone Dialog

Leaving A Message

Telephone Difficulties

Meeting New People