English The Easy Way
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English Dialogue Office Work Project Small Talk
Jeff: How is your project going?
Gary: It is going quiet well. It is going slow. We are only in stage three. We have 10 stages, so we have 7 more stages, and than we need it to get the govement to aporve it.
Jeff: Yea, I know you have a lot of work left.
Gary: I think we will have to hire some more engineers.
Jeff: Wow, that is good. That is also a lot more work on your head.
Gary: Yes it is. It is not easy to find people with the right skills.
Jeff: I know the problem. We have to same problem in our deparemnt too. We also need more people to help with our project.
Gary: We are working 6 days a week. 12 - 16 hours a day.
Jeff: You work a lot in your deparemnt. I think you need a few days off.
Gary: Yes, we need to fiinish a few more stages of the project, and than I will take a few days off.
Jeff: Do you know when you will submt the papers for a the 1st rounds of approvel?
Gary: I am hoping we will submeit the papers in a few weeks, becaus it will take the govement a few weeks or moonths to approve them. We might have to make changes too.
Jeff: Good luck. I hope it goes smooth for you.
Gary: Thank you.
Jeff: Thanks, I like cookies with my coffee in the morning.
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