English The Easy Way
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English Dialogue Going Out For Breakfast - Everyday Life
Amanda: I am really hungry. Are you hungry?
Everly: Yes, I did not eat breatfast. I ran out of the house so fast this morning.
Amanda: I know that feeling. Do you want to get something to eat?
Everly: I would love to get something to eat.
Amanda: There is a really nice small breakfast place up the street. I really like going there. They make everything fresh.
Everly: That sounds really good. lets go!
Amanda: Ok. It is a 3 mintute walk from here. The have really good food, and the prices are really good too. They are not expensive at all.
Everly: That is realy good to know. I never even heard this place.
Amanda: It is new. They only opened a few months ago.
Everly: Great I am happy to try it out.
Amanda: We will be there is less than 30 seconds. They also bring the food really fast too. We do not have to wait a long time. They also have excellent coffee.
Everly: That is good. I really could go for a coffee. I need it to help me walke up.
Amanda: We are here. Lets go inside. I hope you like it as much as it Iike it.
Everly: Yes, this place is realy cute, and the prices are really good.
Amanda: I am glad you like this place.
Everly: Yes, I do like it a lot.
I Need A RIde Mom - Mother And Son Dialogue
Do You Have Enough Money? - Mother & Son Dialogue
Talking About Food - Small Talk
Going Out For Beakfast - Everyday Life Dialoguegue
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Inviting Someone To A Party - Dialogue
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