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English The Easy Way

English The Easy Way

Everybody Can Learn English

Speaking English

Talking On The Phone - Speaking English

Talking on the phone can be a very difficult.

Common Phone Phrases - Caller

Greeting -

  • Hi - Hello - Hello, how are you?
  • good morning - good afternoon -good evening

Introductions -

  • This is .... (give your name)
  • This is ....( give your name, from (state place, or company).
  • Hello this ...(give your name)

Requesting Someone -

  • Can I please speak to .... (give the person's name)
  • I would like to speak to...(give the person's name)
  • Is ....(give the person's name) available.
  • Is it possible to speak to ....(give the person's name).
  • I need to speak to ....(give the person's name)

When Party (the person you are trying to call) is Unavailable

  • May I leave a message, please?
  • Do you know when he/she will be available?
  • Do you know when he/she will return to the office/home?
  • I will call back later/in an hour/tomorrow.
  • Please tell him .....(give your name) called, and I will call later/call again.
  • Please have him/she call me back.
  • Can I leave my telephone number? My phone number is.....(give your number)?
  • Please have him/her contact at ......(state a place or a phone number).
  • Where/How can I reach him/her?
  • What is her/his mobile phone number/Cell/Cellular phone number?


  • May I send you a fax?
  • What is your fax number?
  • Did you receive my fax?
  • I send a fax to..... (give person's name), did he.she receive it?

Asking for Information

Other Useful Talking On The Phone/Words

  • The number is busy.
  • May I hold on the line.
  • I am sorry can't hear you.
  • I am sorry I can't understand you.
  • Please speak slowly, I am having a difficult time understanding you.
  • Who am I speaking to?
  • Who is calling?
  • The line was disconnected.
  • Please connect me to ....(give the name or the person, or the extensions)

Calling To Reserive A Hotel Room

Lunch Break Small Talk

Where are you going? Mother and Son Dialog

Office Work Project Small Talk

Coffee Break Small Talk

Ordering Pizza On The Phone

Morning Small Talk

Asking For Money Dialogue

Inviting Someone To A Party - Dialogue

Ordering Coffee - Dialogue

Small Talk At The Supermarket

Making An Appointment

Sending An E-Email Dialog

Dealing With Rude Questions

Asking Directions

Going To The Store

Are you a student? - With Voice/Audio

Where are you from?

How are you feeling?

What are you doing? - With Voice/Audio

What do you live? - With Voice/Audio

Where do you work? With Voice/Audio

Waiting For The Bus

Where To Meet - With Voice/Audio

I am Ill Today - With Voice/Audio

Telephone Dialog

Leaving A Message

Telephone Difficulties

Meeting New People