English The Easy Way
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English Dialogue Asking Someone For Money
Camila: Hi Stella, how are you doing?
Stella: Hi, I am really tired. I am working all the time.
Camila: It is hard to work all the time. Why are you working so hard.
Stella: I need money. I do not have enough money for books for school.
Camila: I had no idea you where having such a hard time. Yeh, it has been hard this year.
Stella: I am really sorry. Is there anything I can do to help you?
Camila: Yes, can you maybe lend me some money? I can pay you back a little every month.
Stella: Sure, I can lend you some money. I will be happy to lend you some money.
Camila: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
Stella: How much money do you need? I can lend you up to 500 dollars.
Camila: Thank you I only need 200 dollars.
Stella: Sure, no problem. Do you want me to send you the money though the phone, cash, or check?
Camila: Can you please send it to my husbands phone please.
Stella: Sure I will be happy to send it to him.
Camila: Thank you so so much. I am happy to help you.
Stella: Thank you so much.
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