English The Easy Way
Everybody Can Learn English
English Dialogue Coffee Break Small Talk
Jim: Hey, Sam how is it going?
Sam: It is going Ok. I have a huge amount of work, which I need to finish by the weekend.
Jim: Yea, me too. I have been working so much overtime the last few weeks.
Sam: It is not easy, but my wife does not like it when I work overtime. We have little kids at home, and she needs help.
Jim: Yea, I know. How are your wife and kids?
Sam: They are fine. My wife stays home with the kids, but it is still not easy.
Jim: Yes, I know. I remmber when I had little kids at home. It was really hard to get everything done.
Sam: True, this is why I am so happy to come to the office and get out of the house.
Jim: I hear you. I felt the same way, but your kids will grow up, and it will be easier for you.
Sam: I will take your word for it. Now, it is not easy, but it will be OK.
Jim: Thanks for the tips, and thanks for your advice. It is very helpful.
Sam: Of course I am here any time you need to talk let me know.
Jim: Thanks. By the way, do we have any cookies around here?
Sam: Yea, there should be cookies in the clost if not tell them at the front desk, and they will bring coolies.
Jim: Thanks, I like cookies with my coffee in the morning.
Sam: Hehehe, yea me too.
Jim: I need to get back to work.
Sam: Yea, me too.
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