English The Easy Way
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English Dialogue Morning Small Talk
Valerie: Good Moring Daphne. How are you doing this morning?
Daphne: I am tired. I need a coffee urgently.
Valerie: Yes, me too.
Daphne: I woke up really early, because I need to be at work early. I need to open of office.
Valerie: I understand. I just woke up early, because I like to wake up early.
Daphne: That is so good. It is a really nice day outside today. It is not too hot and not too cold.
Valerie: True, it is really nice outside today.
Daphne: The good news is there is not much traffic this early in the morning.
Valerie: Well that is good, you will miss all the morning traffic. The morning traffic is really bad these days.
Daphne: I know it gets worse and worse all the time. The trains are also packed. It is hard to get to work in the morning.
Valerie: I know this is why I want to move downtown, so I can walk to work, so I do not have to deal with the traffic.
Daphne: That is a geat idea, but it is really expensive to live downtown.
Valerie: This is a real problem. I can not afford to move downtown.
Daphne: I know this a real issue.
Valerie: It will be Ok. We will manage. We always do find a way to manage.
Daphne: True, this is very true.
Valerie: Well you go and get some coffee, and I will see you later.
Daphne: Great have a good day.
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