English The Easy Way
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English Dialogue It Is Cold Outside - Everyday Life - Everyday Life
Judy: It is going to be very cold outside today.
Russell: Really, thanks for telling me. I did not hear the weather.
Judy: It is really cold inside the house. I think we need to turn up the heat.
Russell: Good idea, I will go and turn up the heat, and put on a sweater.
Judy: Would you like something hot to drink on your way to work.
Russell: Sure, that sounds really good.
Judy: Sure, I will make you a hot drink to drink on the way.
Russell: Thanks. Do want me to take the girls to school today?
Judy: Do you know for how long it is going to be so cold?
Russell: I heard it is going to be cold for a few days, and than it will warm up.
Judy: It might snow tonight or tommarow moring.
Russell: Really snow. I will get the car ready for the snow. and I will stop by and get a few extra things form the store.
Judy: Great idea. Do not forget to put on your warm hat, and gloves.
Russell: Thanks, I will not forget.
Judy: Thanks, bye
I Need A RIde Mom - Mother And Son Dialogue
Do You Have Enough Money? - Mother & Son Dialogue
Talking About Food - Small Talk
Going Out For Beakfast - Everyday Life Dialoguegue
Calling To Reserive A Hotel Room
Where are you going? Mother and Son Dialog
Office Work Project Small Talk
Inviting Someone To A Party - Dialogue
Are you a student? - With Voice/Audio
What are you doing? - With Voice/Audio
What do you live? - With Voice/Audio
Where do you work? With Voice/Audio
Where To Meet - With Voice/Audio
I am Ill Today - With Voice/Audio