English The Easy Way
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English Dialogue Buying A Train Ticket
Luna: Good afternoon. I need to order tickets to go from New York to Miami.
Ticket Agent: Good afternoon. Sure when would you like to travel?
Luna: I would like to travel next on November 22.
Ticket Agent: Sure, we have a morining train and an evening train. Which would you prefer?
Luna: We would like to take the morning train.
Ticket Agent: Ok, how many people are traveling with you?
Luna: Four adults, everyone is over 18 years old.
Ticket Agent: Ok, thank you. Do you want to travel in 1st class or economy class?
Luna: We would like to travel 1st class.
Ticket Agent: Would you like two rooms?
Luna: Yes, we would like two rooms, and we would like the rooms to have a private bathrooms too.
Ticket Agent: Sure, I will be happy to book those tickets for you Madam.
Luna: Thank you, he is my credit card.
Ticket Agent: Thank you, that will cost you $3,696.
Luna: No problem, here is my credit card.
Ticket Agent : Here are your tickets madam. Have a great trip.
Luna: Thank you.
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