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English The Easy Way

English The Easy Way

Everybody Can Learn English

Speaking English

How are you feeling? - Conversation

Tammy: Hi Tammy.

Sam: Hi Sam.

Tammy: How are you Sam?

Sam: I am not feeling well.

Tammy: What happen? Why are you ill?

Sam: I have a headache.

Tammy: I am sorry you have a headache. Did you take a pill for your headache?

Sam: No, I did not take a pill. I need to go to the pharmacy to get some pills.

Tammy: I have a pill for your headache. Do you want me to give you?

Sam: Oh, yes thank you so so much Tammy.

Tammy: Of course, I will bring you a glass of water, so you can take the pill.

Sam: Thank you so much Tammy.

Tammy: I hope you feel better soon Sam.

Sam: Thank you Tammy.

Tammy: I will see you later. If you need anything just call me.

Sam: Yes, I will call if I need anything.

Tammy: OK, feel better Sam.

Sam: Bye Tammy

Tammy: OK, bye Sam.

Dealing With Rude Questions

Asking Directions

Going To The Store

Are you a student? - With Voice/Audio

Where are you from?

How are you feeling?

What are you doing? - With Voice/Audio

What do you live? - With Voice/Audio

Where do you work? With Voice/Audio

Waiting For The Bus

Where To Meet - With Voice/Audio

I am Ill Today - With Voice/Audio

Telephone Dialog

Leaving A Message

Telephone Difficulties

Meeting New People