English The Easy Way
Everybody Can Learn English
English Grammar
Identifying Nouns
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #1
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #2
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Identifying Nouns.
A noun refers to:
- a person - mother, boss, teacher, doctor, bus driver etc.
- Mary is a very clever..
- My Boss is very kind.
- a place - country, street, park, street etc.
- I live in 3th street.
- We live in the England.
- a animal - dog, lion, snake, cat etc.
- I have two cats.
- Did you see a lion in the zoo?
- a thing - car, computer, toys, window etc.
- I have a car.
- I need to buy my son a toy.
- a quality - honesty, freedom, wisdom etc.
- Honesty is very good.
- We want our freedom.
- a feeling - happy, sad, sorrow, stress etc.
- I am happy.
- My sister is sad.
- an events - party, wedding, birthday, childhood etc.
- When is your birthday.
- I had a very good childhood.
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #1
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #2
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Countable & Uncountable Nouns Quiz
Singular Countable Nouns Rules
Plural Nouns Spelling -s or es
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #1
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #2
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #4