English The Easy Way
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English Grammar
Abstract Nouns
What is an abstract noun?
Abstract nouns can not be sensed by our five senses (smell, touch, hear, see or taste).
Abstract nouns are nouns that:
- that can not be touched, tasted seen, heard, smelt or felt
- usually represent feeling, ideas and qualities
- can be singular nouns and plural nouns
- can be countable or uncountable
- Timmy has a weakness for chocolate cake.
- The people want to see justice served.
- My dogs did not stay calm during the storm.
- Do you think that we can trust our donkey to take us home.
Tip: love, hate, violence, culture, taste
Concrete Noun & Abstract Noun Quiz
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Countable & Uncountable Nouns Quiz
Singular Countable Nouns Rules
Plural Nouns Spelling -s or es
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #1
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #2
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #4