English The Easy Way
Everybody Can Learn English
English Grammar
Concrete Nouns
What is a concrete noun?
Concrete nouns are:
Concrete nouns can be touched, felt, held, something visible, smelt, taste, or be heard. Concrete nouns are something physical.
Concrete nouns can be countable nouns or uncountable nouns, and singular nouns or plural nouns.
Concrete nouns can also be a common noun, proper nouns and collective nouns.
dog, cat, girl, plate air, water etc. |
singular -chair, computer, song, window |
plural - chairs, computers, songs, windows |
water, air, oil, sugar, salt, rice, cheese etc. |
Mr. Mike Jones, Tom Brown, Audrey Ryan |
Concrete Noun & Abstract Noun Quiz
Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Countable & Uncountable Nouns Quiz
Singular Countable Nouns Rules
Plural Nouns Spelling -s or es
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #1
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #2
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #3
Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #4