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English Grammar
What are quantifiers?
Quantifiers are used to the state quantity or amount of something without stating the actually number.
Quantifiers answer the questions "How many?" and "How much?"
Quantifiers can be used with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Quantifiers must agree with the noun. There are 3 main types of quantifiers. Quantifiers that are used with countable nouns, quantifiers that are used with uncountable nouns. and the 3rd type are quantifiers that are used with either countable nouns or uncountable nouns.
Quantifiers With Countable Nouns
- A Few - I have a few books.
- Many - I have many friends.
- Several - My father has several workers.
Quantifiers With Uncountable Nouns
- Few - We have few friends.
- Much - How much work is there?
- A Little - I have a little books.
Quantifiers With Countable Nouns & Uncountable Nouns