That - This - These - Those - Demonstratives - English Grammar - English The Easy Way
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English Grammar

Demonstratives This - That - These - Those

This & These Quiz

That & Those Quiz

That - This - These - Those

There are 4 demonstratives that, this, these and those. Demonstratives are used to state the distance from the speaker. The distance can be either psychological or physical.

Demonstratives can be used as pronouns or adjectives. They are sometimes referred to as demonstrative adjectives or demonstrative pronouns. When they are used as adjectives they modify the noun.

This – is used with singular nouns, when referring to an object that is close to the speaker

  • This food is excellent.
  • Is this money?
  • This is not a good book.

That – is used with singular nouns, when referring to an object or person that is far to the speaker

  • That is your bag.
  • Is that your house
  • That is not my car.

These - is used with plural nouns, when referring to an object that is close to the speaker

  • These clothes need to be put in the draw.
  • Are these boxes for me?
  • These pants look very nice.

Those - is used with plural nouns, when referring to an object or person that is far to the speaker

  • I really like those cars.
  • Are those your friends?
  • Those cookies are not very good.

Note: The distance of an object or person can be does not have to be physical.

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