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Resumes & Cover Letters
Educational Information
The educational part of some peoples resume is a touchy subject, many people are not quite sure what to include part of your resume. It does not What should you include in the educational section of your resume? This can be a real problem for people that don't have a lot of education or have to much eduction. Don't worry there are solutions to this problem.
Education does not always be formal education, education can be on the job training, seminars, & online courses.
Your education section should start with your most resent education.
University/College - List your most recent degree, state the name of the university,
University's/College's Name - Write the full name of your university/college.
Location - State where the general location of your university/college, you do not have to write the street address.
Degree - State the type of degree you received, don't use abbreviations unless you are sure that the person reading your resume will understand the abbreviations, remember that many times secretary's and assistants will decide which resumes the person hiring will choose from so you want to make sure your abbreviations are well known.
Major - If it is relevant state your major, if your major is not relevant, then don't state it.
Graduation Year - State the year you received your degree if this is something that will be in your favor.
Resume's Educational Information
Your Resume's Education Placement