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Resumes & Cover Letters
Chronological Resume Format
Profile - Qualifications Summary - a profile statement is used instead of the objective statement.
The profile is a quick overview of what you can offer the company.
The profile is the section of your resume that emphasizes your skills and qualifications.
Work Experience - list your work experience, volunteer experience, and any other experience that you feel is relevant to the position.
Your experience can be divided into different sections such as office experience, and technical experience.
On your resume your your experience should be written in the past tense.
It is important that your skills and ability's are clearly stated, don't let your skills get lost within your job descriptions.
Employment History -
State your current place of employment first, and then your previous places of employment in a reversed chronological order.
Your employment history should include:
Company the full name of the company. Don't use abbreviations unless they are well known in the industry.
Job Title - state the full title of the position that you hold/held.
Dates of Employment - include the dates preferably month and year, from when you started your at the company to the time you finished working at the company.
A short description of your responsibilities and tasks that were performed at the company.
General Qualifications - list any qualifications that you have that are need to qualify for the position.
Professional Certifications and/or Licenses - list any licenses and certifications that are required.
Education - state any degrees and the dates that you will graduate or graduated.
Affiliations and Memberships - that are job related only don't add any personal affiliations or memberships that are not job related.
Languages- state the languages that you know
Activities - that are job related, don't add any personal affiliations or memberships that are not job related.
Hobbies/Interests - that are job related, don't add any personal affiliations or memberships that are not job related.
Military Experience - if applies.
Clearly state your rank, position held, and a job description, and type of discharge if honorable or medical.
State the country severed if necessary.
Resume's Educational Information
Your Resume's Education Placement