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Resumes & Cover Letters
What Should You Include In A Cover Letter
You know that when you send your resume to someone, that you should write a cover letter with your resume. Make sure that you create a cover letter for each job that you are applying to. You can not you one cover letter for all the jobs that you are applying for.
Here is a list of the things that you should be in your cover letter:
Job Position - In your cover letter state the position that you are applying. It's possible that they have a few positions open, so be specific as possible.
Where You Found Out About The Position - Clearly state where you heard about the position, and/or who referred you to the position you are applying for, you names of people, Internet sites, Newspapers etc.
Employer's NeedsIt is really important to clearly state the needs of the employer clearly state the needs of the employer.
Resume's Educational Information
Your Resume's Education Placement