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English Grammar Past Simple Verb Tense & Present Perfect Tense
Understand the diffidence between the past simple verb tense & the present perfect verb tense
- action is finished
- exact time of the action is known
- I lost my keys.
- Jimmy went to Europe 2 years ago.
- We finished the project last week.
Past Simple – is used when the:
- that is not finished
- that finished in the past & has something to do with now
- the exact time of the action is unknown
- I have lost my keys, and now I can't get into the house.
- My sister and I have gone to France a while ago.
- We have done a lot of work on the project.
Present Perfect Tense – is used for an action:
Basic Grammar
The Verb "To Be" - Positive Sentences
The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Positive Sentences
The Verb "To Be" - Negative Sentences
The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Negative Sentences
The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Questions
Present Simple Verb Tense - Positive Sentences
Present Simple Verb Tense Positive Sentences Quiz
Present Simple Verb Tense - Negative Sentences
Present Simple Verb Tense Negative Sentences Quiz
Present Simple Verb Tense Questions
Present Simple Verb Tense Questions Quiz
Present Simple Tense
The Verb "To Be"
Present Simple Tense "to be" Chart
Present Simple Verb To Be Quiz #1
Present Simple Verb To Be Quiz #2
The Verb "Have"
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense Chart
Present Perfect Tense
Past Simple Tense vs Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense Chart
Present Perfect Tense vs. Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense