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English Grammar Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense Chart
Positive Sentences
Subject + Auxiliary Verb1 + Auxiliary Verb2 + Main Verb + _________.
Grammar Rules:
- Auxiliary Verb1 - the present tense of "have" (have/has) is used.
- Auxiliary Verb2 - the V3/past participle form of the verb "to be" (been) is used.
- Main Verb - the base verb + ing is used.
Negative Sentences
Subject + Auxiliary Verb1 + Not + Auxiliary Verb2+ Main Verb + _________.
Grammar Rules:
- Auxiliary Verb1 - the present tense of "have" (have/has) is used.
- "Not" - is added after the auxiliary verb "have".
- Auxiliary Verb2 - the V3/past participle form of the verb "to be" (been) is used.
- Main Verb - the base verb + ing is used.
Auxiliary Verb1 + Subject + Auxiliary Verb2 + Main Verb + _________.
Grammar Rules:
- Auxiliary Verb1 - the present tense of "have" (have/has) is used.
- Subject - the subject comes after the auxiliary verb "have" (have).
- Auxiliary Verb2 - the V3/past participle form of the verb "to be" (been) is used.
- Main Verb - the base verb + ing is used.
Basic Grammar
The Verb "To Be" - Positive Sentences
The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Positive Sentences
The Verb "To Be" - Negative Sentences
The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Negative Sentences
The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Questions
Present Simple Verb Tense - Positive Sentences
Present Simple Verb Tense Positive Sentences Quiz
Present Simple Verb Tense - Negative Sentences
Present Simple Verb Tense Negative Sentences Quiz
Present Simple Verb Tense Questions
Present Simple Verb Tense Questions Quiz
Present Simple Tense
The Verb "To Be"
Present Simple Tense "to be" Chart
Present Simple Verb To Be Quiz #1
Present Simple Verb To Be Quiz #2
The Verb "Have"
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense Chart
Present Perfect Tense
Past Simple Tense vs Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense Chart
Present Perfect Tense vs. Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense