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English The Easy Way

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English Grammar

Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense Chart

Positive Sentences

Subject + Auxiliary Verb1 + Auxiliary Verb2 + Main Verb + _________.

Grammar Rules:

  • Auxiliary Verb1 - the present tense of "have" (have/has) is used.
  • Auxiliary Verb2 - the V3/past participle form of the verb "to be" (been) is used.
  • Main Verb - the base verb + ing is used.
Subject Auxiliary Verb1 Auxiliary Verb 2 Main Verb
1st Person I have been waiting for my sister for 1 hour.
2nd Person We have been cleaning the house all morning.
3st Person Singular He has been hiking all day, now he wants to take a shower.
3st Person Plural My brothers have been playing basketbal, and they are tired.

Negative Sentences

Subject + Auxiliary Verb1 + Not + Auxiliary Verb2+ Main Verb + _________.

Grammar Rules:

  • Auxiliary Verb1 - the present tense of "have" (have/has) is used.
  • "Not" - is added after the auxiliary verb "have".
  • Auxiliary Verb2 - the V3/past participle form of the verb "to be" (been) is used.
  • Main Verb - the base verb + ing is used.
Subject Auxiliary Verb1 Not Auxiliary Verb2 Main Verb
1st Person I have not been sitting at the bus stop for over 1 hour.
2nd Person You have not been talking on the phone, since you came home.
3rd Person Singular He has not been cooking for us since we moved to New York.
3rd Person Plural They have not been working here for the last 3 years.


Auxiliary Verb1 + Subject + Auxiliary Verb2+ Main Verb + _________.

Grammar Rules:

  • Auxiliary Verb1 - the present tense of "have" (have/has) is used.
  • Subject - the subject comes after the auxiliary verb "have" (have).
  • Auxiliary Verb2 - the V3/past participle form of the verb "to be" (been) is used.
  • Main Verb - the base verb + ing is used.
Auxiliary Verb1 Subject Auxiliary Verb2 Main Verb
1st Person Singular Have I been bothering anyone, since I have moved upstairs?
2nd Person Have we been paying all the bills, since we started to work in the doctors office?
3nd Person Singular Has she been cleaning her room, the last few days?
3nd Person Plural Have the children been going to sleep on time lately?

How is the present perfect continuous tense used?

The present perfect continuous tense is a tense that is a tense that is sometimes confusing. It refers to an action that started in the past, but has continued to the present or has just finished.The present perfect continous tense uses the auxiliary verb "have - has" and -ing added to the main verb.

The present perfect continuous tense is used when:

  • The action started in the past.
  • The action continued at the time of speaking/writing
  • or the action just finished at the time of speaking/writing
  • The statement answers "how long" an action has been happening.
  • The action has happened continuously with stopping.





I have been waiting for my teacher for 1 hour.




We have been learning English since the age of three.




They have not been playing basketball for a long time.




My sister has not been living in China for many years.




Has your house been racing for a long time?




Have you been living in that has since you have been married?


Basic Grammar

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