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Speaking English Common Phrases To Say "Expensive"
- Costly - The car is very costly.
- Extravagant - My wife likes extravagant things.
- Pricey - That hotel is a little pricey.
- A Bit Steep - That price is a bit steep. I can not afford it.
- Lavish - My boss has a very lavish life style.
- Upscale - I can not afford to live in an upscale neighborhood.
- Pay Through The Nose -You have to pay though the nose to live in New York City.
- Sky-high - The prices in this store are sky-high.
- Exorbitant - The prices to travel 1st class are exorbitant.
- An Arm & A Leg - The cost of living in the city is an arm & a leg.
- Out Of My Price Rage - This is not in my price range.
- Out Of My League - The price of that car is out of my league.
- High-end - I want take my wife out to a high-end restaurant.
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