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Finding Affordable Housing

It is hard, but it is possible to find relatively cheep, remember everything is relative.

There are some ways to find places to rent that are less expensive, the average. If at all possible don't go though a real estate agent, they will take a commission for there work. The money that you save from the commissions you can put into the rent., which means you will have a little extra money you can pay for rent.

Here are some tips:

  • Advertise - Put ads on street lamps, shopping areas or where ever it is acceptable to post ads. Stating that you are looking tor a place to rent.
  • Ask - Go around and ask people in the area that you would like to rent from. such as people that work in local stores, bars/pubs, hardware stores and/or any other local businesses.
  • Local Forums - join local forums for the area/s that you would like to live. Let people know that you are looking to rent a residents in the area.
  • Local Stores/Business - Check with the staff in stores, gym, place of warship etc. of the local area, where you want to rent. Let them know that you would like to rent in the area. Leave a way for them to contact you if they hear of something.
  • Place Free Ads - Put free ads on the Internet in any place that you can, be-aware that if you put ads there will be some real estate agents that will be calling you.
  • Community Centers/Civil Groups - Check around with your local communality center and/or civil groups.
  • Apartment Mangers - If there are apartment complex in the area that you are looking to rent then talk to the housing staff.
  • Local University/Collages - Visit any local universities and/or collages see what is going on around the campus. Check out the student union/office.

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Finding Affordable Housing
