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Finding A Car Mechanic - Part 1
A little knowledge can go a long way, saves time and money. Fear is your worst enemy, and fear comes from lack of knowledge. If you think dealing with the auto shop is a nightmare, this is for you.
Here are a few tips to help you choose reliable car mechanic.
Tip 1 - Recommendations
Ask other people for the name of a reliable car mechanic. If someone gives you the name of a friend or a relative that is an auto mechanic that doesn't guarantee reliability, knowledge or honesty. If possible ask your friend or relative to talk to the mechanic, to let them know you are going to contact them. If you have a problem with the mechanic let your friend or relative know what happened.
A little knowledge can go a long way, saves time and money. Fear is your worst enemy, and fear comes from lack of knowledge. If you think dealing with the auto shop is a nightmare, this is for you.
Here are a few tips to help you choose reliable car mechanic.
Tip 1 - Recommendations
Ask other people for the name of a reliable car mechanic. If someone gives you the name of a friend or a relative that is an auto mechanic that doesn't guarantee reliability, knowledge or honesty. If possible ask your friend or relative to talk to the mechanic, to let them know you are going to contact them. If you have a problem with the mechanic let your friend or relative know what happened.
Tip 2 - Qualifications & Certifications
Check the qualifications and the certifications of both the auto mechanic and the auto repair shop.
Find out if your country/state/Providence has any specific qualification for car mechanic either voluntary or mandatory.
- Check to see if the car mechanic meets the required qualifications and/or certificates.
- If possible check with the organization to verify the car mechanic's qualifications and/or certificates are valid.
- Check the local consumer agency either public or private to see if their are any complaints against the auto repair shop.
- Search the Internet on local forums, it is possible to find out information about the auto repair shop. Don't always believe what you read, but it can give you an idea.
- Remember just because a car mechanic is qualified and/or certified that doesn't make him or her honest or reliable.
Tip 3 - Interview
Interview auto repair shops by telephone before you take your car to a auto repair shop, call ahead of time with a list of questions, and compare the answers. Here are a few questions you might want to ask:
- How much do you charge for .......
- Do I have to make an appointment or can I just bring it in?
- How long does it take to get an appointment?
- Do you guarantee your work/repairs?
- What exactly is covered by the guarantee, and for how long is the car under guarantee?
- Do they treat you with respect?
Here are a few things that you might want to pay attention to while on the phone:
- Is the auto shop willing to answer your questions on the telephone?
- Are they respectful on the phone?
- Do they try to be helpful?
Tip 4 - Compare Your Car Manual to the Mechanics Recommendations
Read your car's user manual. It will state a recommended maintenance routine for your car. Talk to different car mechanics, and ask them there option what type of car maintenance is necessary. When you go to fill your car up at the pumps, ask if you you could ask a mechanic a few questions. If you prefer you can call/fax/email the auto repair shop to find out the information that you want. Compare the mechanics recommendations to the recommendations of your car's manual. If the mechanic recommends a more expensive routine maintenance, then the car manual, then be specious. Here are some questions that you might want to ask:
- Ask the mechanic why he/she recommends a different maintenance routine? What is the difference in the cost of the two types of maintenance routines?
- Is the mechanic willing to perform maintenance routine that is recommended in by your car's user manual? Or is he/she insist on the more expensive maintenance routine?
- Check with other auto shops, if you live in a small town, try a auto repair shop in a different town or a near by city and receive their options this can even be done via the phone/fax/email.
Tip 5 - Clearly State The Problem
Whenever you have a dealing for an auto repair shop it is a good idea to put everything in writing, and keep a copy for yourself. It is not only for your protection, but also to prevent any misunderstands. State the exact problem with your can in writing state the following:
- When the problem started.
- When the problem occurs (such as at braking, stopping etc)
- If there were previous repairs done to correct the problem
- If the car is making a strange noise, try to record the noise, and state when the noise occurs.
- If there fluid under the car, if so what color and where under the car. (If you are not sure check a few times)
- Are any of the light gauges flashing or on.
- Also any other details that you can think of write down.
If possible talk to the mechanic that will be fixing your car. Before you agree to any work on your car you should request the following:
- Insist on a written estimate before the mechanic starts working on your car.
- Ask the mechanic what he thinks could be the problem, before he starts the work.
- If possible ask the mechanic to e-mail or fax you the estimate. The reason it is better to have the estimate faxed or emailed is that it will be easier for you to check around if the estimate is correct.
- The estimate should include: labor cost, parts - it should state if the parts are used or new, warranty information.
- If you are not sure you can fax/email the estimate to other car repair shops to see how much they would charge you for the same repairs.
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Finding A Car Mechanic - Part 1
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