English The Easy Way
Everybody Can Learn English
English Grammar
A & An
A - is used after a word starting with a consonant
- We want a car.
- I am going to a movie.
- We need a computer.
- My sister is going to buy a new phone.
Words that start with a vowel, but have a consonants letter sound
- I live in a European country.
- This is a one time deal.
- My sister is a unique person.
- There is a university not far from my house.
An – is used after a word starting a vowel
- I want an elephant.
- Do you want an ice cream?
- We do want an orange table in the house.
- My sister is eating an apple for a snack.
Words that start with a consistent, but have a vowel sound
- My sister is an honor student.
- I will be there in an hour.
- I don't want to be an FBI agent.
- He is an honest man.