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English Phrases For Cashiers

Here are some common expressions that cashiers use. It is a good idea to become familiar with them.

    Will this be cash or charge?

    Is this going to be credit or debt?

    Is there any thing else I can help you with today?

    These items are on sale and/or not on sale?

    Do you have 33 cents?

    OK, that will be 23.45 dollars and 45 cents.

    OK, that will be 22.33 out of 25.

    Here is your change.

    Can you please sign here?

    May I see a picture ID please, like a drivers license?

    May I have your phone number please?

    I am sorry there is a problem with your card. Do you have another card?

    Do you have any coupons or discount cards?

    Do you have a store club card? If no would you like one, it offers all kinds of discounts?

    Please swipe your card.

    Thank you very much, have a nice day.

    I am sorry we do not accept checks.

    I need proof of your age, please (if your buying something that you need to be a certain age for).

    Would you like a bag?

English Speaking Dialogues

English Speaking Phrases

English Idioms & Expressions

Asking Politely

Asking For Permission

Informal Ways To Answer "How are you?"

How To Answer - "Where do you work?"

I Have + Verb

I Am + Verb

I Work

I Am + Happy To - With Voice/Audio

He/She + Are + Verb

I Am Feeling

Informal Greetings

Formal Greetings

Cashier Expressions

Phrasal Verbs With "Get"

Ways To Say "Thank You"

Telephone Phrases

Telephone Dialog

Leaving A Message

Telephone Difficulties

How To Politely Say No!!

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