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Phrases & Idioms With "Cash" Speaking English
Hard Cash – paying for something in cash money, not in checks or credit card
I am going to pay for my new car in hard cash.
Cold Cash – cash that is available to use
I will need to have cold cash for my trip to New York.
Strapped For Cash - not to have enough money available
We are strapped for cash until we get our paychecks.
Cash Only – cash not a check or credit card
The store accepts cash only, no checks or credit cards.
Cash In – to quiet something and collect your money
We are going to cash in our coins, and get paper money.
Cash In On – to make a profit or make the most of of an financial opportunity
I am going to cash in on a really good opportunity, that Tom told me about.
Short On Cash – shortage of money
My sister is short on cash until she gets her paycheck.
Cash Flow Problem – cash that is not available for use
The company that I word for has a cash flow problem.
Cash Cow – is used by a business to describe a customer that is has little or no control of there spending, and brings in a lot of money
Do you have a lot of customers that are cash cows?
Cash In Hand – getting paid in cash
I like to get paid cash in hand. I do not like to get paid by check.
Petty Cash – a small amount of cash money on hand that business and office usually keep on hand for paying for small amount of money.
I need $5 from the petty cash to buy coffee & tea, for the office.
Short On Cash - shortage of money
I am always short on cash by the end of the week.
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