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Commas & Titles, Dates & Addresses
Titles, Dates & Addresses
There are special punctuation rules for date, names and addresses, Titles.
Rules for using commas with dates, names and addresses:
Dates - a comma is placed, between the day and the year, when the writing according to American English (Month, Day, Year - September 15, 2005.
Note: If the date is written the according to Europe (Day, Month, Year), then there is no comma.
Days and Dates - When writing the day and the date a comma is placed after the day, and follow the rules for dates (see above).
Example: Monday, July 15, 2008
Titles - A comma is place after a name followed by a title.
Example: John Brown, Ph.D.
Tim Lee, Jr.
Addresses - A comma is placed between a street and a town or city, State, and Country.
Example: 15 Fifth Avenue, Houston, England.
Apostrophe "'s" To Show Possession
Comma Usage - Independent Clauses
Independent and Dependent Clauses
The Difference between Clauses or Phrases
Introductory Phrases, Clauses and Words with Commas
Commas Usage With Titles, Dates & Addresses