English The Easy Way
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English Grammar
Along & Behind
Behind - is used when you want to say that something is in back of something else.
- In the bus we sit behind the bus driver.
- The children sit behind the desk at school.
- The taller children stood behind the shorter children for the class photo.
Along - something that is in a line, or that is moving in one in one direction or the direction of something.
- Walk along the side of the street, till you see the library.
- We have trees along our street.
- At the swimming pool, people like to sit along the pool.
In At On - Time Examples - Chart
In At On - Time Prepositions Quiz
In At On - Time Prepositions Quiz #2
In At On - Time Prepositions Quiz #3
In At On - Time Prepositions Quiz #4
In At On - Time Prepositions Quiz #5