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English Grammar

Future Perfect Continuous Verb Tense

How is the future perfect continuous tense is used?

The future perfect continuous tense is used when you want to emphasize an event or activity that be continuous after specific future time.

The future perfect continuous tense is used to:

  • Emphasize - how long an event will be in progress at a future time
  • Stress - the the length of time an event or action in the future
  • Results - used to state the results of an action or event in the future.
  • Represents A Continuous Action - that stated at some point, and continues into some point in the future
  • Rules for using the future perfect continuous tense:

    The future period of time if usually states:

    • next year
    • next week
    • next month etc.
    • the exact came can be stated
    • the approximate can can be stated
    • The future perfect continuous tense is usually not used with static verbs.

      The future perfect continuous tense can't be used with "time clauses" such as when, while, "by the time", soon, before, after, if, unless, until etc.
