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Commonly Confused Words
Fired & Laid OffFired - is when someone losses their job, because they did not do a good job
- I was fired for stealing last week.
- The boss and I had an argument, so he fired me.
- Joe came to work last all last week, so the boss fired him.
- My brother was rude to one of the customers, so he was fired.
Laid Off - is when someone losses their job usually due to financial problems of the employer: a lay off can be permanent or temporary
- The company is having financial problems so many people were laid off.
- The factory had to lay off some people off for a few weeks.
- We were laid off for the winter. We will go back to work in the spring.
- Do you know why everyone was laid off?
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More Confusing Words
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Confusing Words Staring With S
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