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Commonly Confused Words
Effective & EfficientEffective – to be successful; something or someone that is practical; a way to get good results
- My medicine is very effective, I am feeling better.
- The new oven is very effective. It works very well.
- Do you think the new boss is effective at managing the company.
- My new computer is very effective. My new computer is very fast.
- The teacher is very effective with the students.
Efficient - not wasting resources such as time, money, energy etc; to use resources with the least amount of waste
- The car is very efficient on gas.
- My sister is very efficient at work. She knows how to do the work in a short amount of time.
- We need a very efficient house, because we do not have a lot of money to waste.
- My mother is a very efficient shopper.
- We need to find a way to be more efficient with water. We do not have water to waste.
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More Confusing Words
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