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Commonly Confused Words
ESL & EFLA common question is what is the difference between ESL and EFL?
ESL - English as a Second Language - it is a term used when English is taught in a country where English is not the country's first language. ESL is usually taught by teachers whose native language is English .
EFL - English as a Foreign Language - Is a term used when English is taught in a country where English is not the country's first language. EFL is usually taught by teachers whose native language is not English .
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More Confusing Words
Confusing Words Staring With A
Confusing Words Staring With B
Confusing Words Staring With C - D
Confusing Words Staring With E - F - G
Confusing Words Staring With H - I
Confusing Words Staring With J - K - L - M - N - O
Confusing Words Staring With P - Q - R
Confusing Words Staring With S