English The Easy Way
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Commonly Confused Words
Center vs CentreCenter – is the American spelling
- Can you meet meet in the city center.
- Can you put the flowers in the center of the table?
- I live in the center of town.
- Mark the center of the circle with you marker.
Centre – is the British spelling
- I like to sit in the centre of the plane.
- I do not want to sit in the centre. I want to sit on the side.
- My sister has centre seats for the concert.
- Put you glass on the centre of the table, so your glass does not fall.
More Confusing Words
Confusing Words Staring With A
Confusing Words Staring With B
Confusing Words Staring With C - D
Confusing Words Staring With E - F - G
Confusing Words Staring With H - I
Confusing Words Staring With J - K - L - M - N - O
Confusing Words Staring With P - Q - R
Confusing Words Staring With S
Confusing Words Staring With T
Confusing Words Staring With U - V - W - X - Y - Z