English The Easy Way
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English Vocabulary Ways To Say "Dangerous"
- Risky - I want to know how risky is it for me to put my money into the stock market.
- Perilous - There are some children in the class that have perilous behavior.
- Hazardous. - The road is very hazardous, because of the ice.
- Treacherous - The roads are really treacherous, because of the snow storms.
- Harmful - Smoking is harmful to our health. I do not like it when people smoke near my baby.
- Unsafe - There are some places in the city that are unsafe at night.
- Jeopardy - I do not want to put the children in jeopardy. I want to keep them safe.
- Liability - We need to fix the stairs, because it is a liability.
- Harms way - We are in harms way. We need to get to a safe place.
- Distress - There are people in distress, and we need to help them.
- Trouble - I have some friends that are lost in the forest. They are in trouble.
- Play With Fire - You are playing with fire, if you go hiking in the mountains alone at night.