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English Vocabulary Car Travel
Gas Station/Petrol Station - were you get gasoline for cars
Repair Shop - a place were you get your car repaired
Service Road - a local road that runs parallel to a highway
Highway/Freeway - a fast road that is used for long distances that doesn't have any traffic lights
Tolls - money that you pay in order to use road, bridge, tunnel etc.
Interstate - roads that connect the states inside America
Rental Car - renting a car for a specific specific amount if time
Exit Ramp - a ramp on a highway that takes takes you off the highway
Entrance Ramp - a ramp that puts you on the highway
Ticket - a fine that is given for a traffic violation or parking violation
Mileage - the distance traveled in miles
Round About - a circle in the road that connects to a few roads that goes into different
M.P.H - Miles Per Hour
K.P.H - Kilometers Per Hour
Expressway a fast road that does not allow commercial traffic
Dead End - a street that does not go any where, a street that ends without an exit
Detour - a alternative route