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English Vocabulary Housing Terms
Condominium - Condo - someone owns the housing unit
Co-op - each person owns shares of the building, the building is owned collectively
Townhouse - the owner owns the housing unit and the land the housing unit is built on
Apartment Complex - a group housing units that is owned for the purpose of renting them out
Sublet - when the person renting the apartment rents the apartment to someone else
To Deposit - to put money a specific bank account
A Deposit - give money a head of time to hold an apartment or in case of damage
Application - forms to fill our with various personal information
Parking Lot/Parking Space - a place to park your car -
Landlord - the owner of the apartment
Facilities - the services that are offend on the premieres such as tennis court, swimming pool, laundry facilities etc.
Vacancy - an available apartment for rent
Lease - a legal contract that is between the renter & the owner
Security Deposit - a legal contract that is between the renter & the owner