English The Easy Way
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English Vocabulary Ways To Say Hello
Here are different ways to say Hello in English:
Common Ways to Say Hello In Most Situations:
- Hi
- Howdy
- How's is it going?
- Good Morning
- Good Afternoon
- Good Evening
- Good day
- Nice to see you
- Hi, how are you?
- Greetings
Ways To Say Hello Among Friends
- What's happening
- Hi-ya
- Shalom
- G' morning
- G' afternoon
- G' evening
- Bonjour
- Hola
- Morning
- Aloha
- What's up
- Hey
Slang Way To Say Hello - Very Very Informal
- What's shakin
- Sup
- Wotcha
- How's it hanging (to a guy) this is a slang term used among male friends
- Yo
- Hey