English The Easy Way
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English Vocabulary Verbs Related To Eyes
There are many verbs that we can use when we are referring to actions, that our eyes do.
Your eyes can perform the following actions:
See - I can see the sun.
Watch - The teacher likes to watch the children play.
Wink - When someone winks they close one eye.
Look - People should look when they are crossing the street.
Roll - If someone is not happy, than sometimes they roll their eyes.
Open - It always hard to open your eyes in the morning.
Close - When we sleep we close our eyes.
Cry - I do not like to see people cry.
Tear/Water - My friend's eyes always fill up with water, and her eyes tear (drops of water come out of the eye).
Squint - People squint (almost closing their eyes in order to try to see something better) when they are trying very hard to see something.