English The Easy Way
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English Vocabulary Ways To Say "Fun"
- Amusing - That story was very amusing.
- Enjoyable - The trip was enjoyable.
- Delightful - That was a delightful meal.
- Enjoy Every Moment - We enjoyed every moment on holiday.
- Fantastic Time - We had a fantastic time last night. We need to meet up next week.
- Awesome Time - We had an awesome time in Europe.
- A Blast - You look like you had a blast.
- Incredible Time - My sister had an incredible time.
- Time Of Your Life - The girls really had the time of their life.
- Live It Up - The kids really want to live it up on the river boat.
- Good Time - I think everyone had a good time at the wedding last night.
- Great Time - The class had a great time on on the ski trip.
- It Was Hit - The carnival was a hit. We need to organize a carnival next year.
- Enjoy Every Second - You need to enjoy every second of your wedding day.