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English Idioms Throw In The Towel
Throw In The Towel - means to give up; to stop trying
- I was learning Spanish, but I threw in the towel.
- My mother threw in the towel trying to get my brothers to go to sleep early.
- My father threw in the towel and bought a new car.
- I threw in the towel trying to find a new place to live.
- My friends threw in the towel trying to find airline tickets to Florida.
- I am so upset with trying to bake a cake. I am going to throw in the towel and buy a cake.
- The phone is causing me so much trouble. We are going to throw in the towel and but a new phone.
- Do you think I should throw in the towel and file for bankruptcy.
The Straw That Brok The Camel's Back
The Lights Are On But Nobody Is Home
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