English The Easy Way
Everybody Can Learn English
English Idioms By The Skin Of Your Teeth
By The Skin Of Your Teeth - just barely; just barely managed to do something
- I passed the test by the skin of my teeth.
- My sister won the game by the skin of her teeth.
- We escaped the fire by the skin of our teeth. We are very lucky.
- The men ran away form the police by the skin of their teeth.
- We caught the bus by the skin of my teeth. We almost missed the bus.
- The girls finished the job by the the skin of their teeth.
English Idioms Beginning With A
English Idioms Beginning With B
English Idioms Beginning With C
English Idioms Beginning With D
English Idioms Beginning With E
English Idioms Beginning With F
English Idioms Beginning With G
English Idioms Beginning With H
English Idioms Beginning With I - J
English Idioms Beginning With K
English Idioms Beginning With L
English Idioms Beginning With M
English Idioms Beginning With N
English Idioms Beginning With O
English Idioms Beginning With P - Q
English Idioms Beginning With R
English Idioms Beginning With S
English Idioms Beginning With T