English The Easy Way
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English Idioms Break The Ice
Break The Ice - to start a conversation/speak with someone you do not know or someone you do not know very well
- It is hard to break the ice with my boss.
- Do you find it hard to break the ice with people you do not know?
- It is easy to break the ice with people on social media.
- My husband's parents are very cold people. It is very hard to break the ice with them.
- It is hard to break the ice with other students at school.
- Do not try to break the ice with the teacher. He does not like to talk with students.
- Do you find it hard to break the ice with people from other countries?
English Idioms Beginning With A
English Idioms Beginning With B
English Idioms Beginning With C
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English Idioms Beginning With I - J
English Idioms Beginning With K
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English Idioms Beginning With O
English Idioms Beginning With P - Q
English Idioms Beginning With R
English Idioms Beginning With S
English Idioms Beginning With T