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Commonly Confused Words
Heal & HeelHeel - the rear part of the foot, where it joins the leg; the part of a shoe's sole which supports the foot's heel
- The heel of my foot hurts.
- Do donkeys have heels?
- We want to get special shoes that support the heels of our feet.
- The heels of my feet are hard from walking around without shoes.
Heal - to recover from an injury
- My dog's leg was broken. My dog's leg is healing very well.
- I broke my arm. I have to wear a cast till my arm heals.
- How long will it take my foot to heal?
- One of the basketball players on the team fell, and hurt his leg. It will take him time to heal.
Injured & Illness - With Voice/Audio
More Confusing Words
Confusing Words Staring With A
Confusing Words Staring With B
Confusing Words Staring With C - D
Confusing Words Staring With E - F - G
Confusing Words Staring With H - I
Confusing Words Staring With J - K - L - M - N - O
Confusing Words Staring With P - Q - R
Confusing Words Staring With S