English The Easy Way
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Commonly Confused Words
Have To & MustGrammatical Differences
"Have to" can be used as a main verb
"Must" is a modal verb, and it can not be used as a main verb, so a main verb must be added, to the sentence when using "must"
Must - is used for to state personal personal obligation or respectability: there is no rule or law
- I must go to the store.
- We must learn English .
- I must go to sleep.
- We must help the lady next door.
- I must call my sister.
Have to - is used to state non-personal obligations or responsibly; a rule or law
- I have to pay our bill.
- The girls have to work late next week.
- I have to to work hard.
- We have to pay tax.
- Our teacher has to give us an exam.
Note: Have To & Must are usually interchangeably
Must Not means forbidden!! not allowed to do something or go somewhere
- I must not pay the electric bill late.
- We must not drive a car without car insurance.
- I must not let the dog outside without a leash.
Do not have to - is used to say something is not necessary to do, but you can do it if you want
- I do not have to go to the store.
- We do not have to see my son's teacher.
- I do not have to call my sister she, because I will see her latter.
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