English The Easy Way
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Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs With "Get"
- Get Up - wake up
- What time do you want to get up in the morning?
- I do not like to get up, and go to work.
- Get Out - to leave
- I told my sister to get out of my room.
- We need to get out of the city for a holiday.
- Get Over - to recover; to feel better
- I hope I get over the flu soon. I do not like to be sick.
- Did you get over your divorce?
- Get By - to barely manage; to have a hard time to do something
- It was hard for me to get by in university.
- How do you get by without a job?
- Get Out Of - to find a way to avoid doing something
- I need to get out of work early today.
- We do not want to go to the wedding, but we do not know how to get out of going.
- Get Though - dealing with a difficult problem or situation
- We need to get though the next few weeks, and than things should be better.
- I do not know how we will get though the next month without having a job.
- Get On - to enter a bus, train, plane etc
- We need to get on the bus.
- Do not get on the train.
- Get On With - to continue with something
- The girls need to get on with their homework.
- Can we please get on with the meeting.
Telephone Phrasal Verbs