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English The Easy Way

Everybody Can Learn English

Phrasal Verbs

Catch Up

Catch Up - to meet with someone at a later time

  • I will catch up with you later.
  • Do you think you will have time to catch up this week?
  • Did you catch up with your sister at school today?

Catch Up - to finish something that you fell behind in

  • I have a lot of work, that I have to catch up on this week.
  • Did you catch up on your school work?
  • We are going to catch up on our reading this weekend.

Catch Up - to get to the same position, place or level as someone or something

  • I can't walk as fast as you. It is hard to catch up.
  • We are trying to catch up with the bus, that is in front of us.
  • Can you catch up with the children? They run very fast.

Carry On

Tie In

Kick Out

Kick In

Turn Away

Ask Around

Blow Someone Away

Blow Up

Break Down

Bear With

Burning Up

Chip In

Catch On

Cut It Out

Call Around

Check Out

Cheer Up

Clean Up

Dress Up

Drop In

Drop Out

Draw Up

Do Something Over

Eat Out

Fall Off

Fall Short

Fall Behind

Fill Out

Find Out

Get Back

Get You

Get Along

Get Up

Go Over

Hang Out

Heard Of

Keep Away

Keep On

Keep Out

Keep Up

Kick Back

Look For

Look After

Look Out

Look In On

Mark Down

Mix Up

Move On

Pass It On

Pay Off

Wake Up

Phrasal Verbs With "Get"

Push Over

Pull Off

Put Off

Put Though

Run Into

Run Out

Stand By

Stuck Up

Talk Shop

Take After

Turn Down

Telephone Phrasal Verbs