English The Easy Way
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Commonly Confused Words
Who - Whom - Whose - ThatWhom is used with as the object, when referring to someone
Other words that are used with objects are: him, her, us, them & me.
Mary went with whom?
We are going to see whom?
Who is used as the subject, and is used when referring to a person
Other words used with subjects are: I, we, they, he & she
Who went to the store?
Who can not come to the party?
That is used is used with things or objects
Bring the pen that is on the table.
I want that phone on the shelf.
Whose is a pronoun that is used for possession of someone or something
Whose jacket is this?
Whose keys are these?
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More Confusing Words
Confusing Words Staring With A
Confusing Words Staring With B
Confusing Words Staring With C - D
Confusing Words Staring With E - F - G
Confusing Words Staring With H - I
Confusing Words Staring With J - K - L - M - N - O
Confusing Words Staring With P - Q - R
Confusing Words Staring With S