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Resumes & Cover Letters

Types of Cover Letters

What are the different types of cover letters?

There are different types of cover letters. It depends on which type of cover letter you choose depends where you heard about the job. You need a different type of cover letter if you are sending your resume to a specific person then you would if you are sending your resume to an ad in the newspaper.

When you send a cover letter make sure you personalize each cover letter, the best you can according to how you heard about the job.

All the types of cover letters have the same purpose to get you a job. Like everything in life there are different ways of getting what you want. There are some differences between the different types of cover letters.

Specific Person - When your lucky enough to know the name of a specific person, make sure you use there full name, and title. Please check the correct spelling of the persons name

What is a resume?

Types of Resumes

Functional Resumes

Functional Resumes Content

Chronological Resumes

Chronological Resume Formats

Action Words For Resumes

Resume's Contact Information

Resume's Objective Statement

Resume's Educational Information

Your Resume's Education Placement

What is a cover letter?

What should included in a cover letter?

Cover Letter Tips

Types of Cover Letters

Online Resumes Safety